Will THis Work For Me?

I have been asked several times this week if my Facebook ads are a scam and I can understand why. Searching for solutions on the web can be daunting.

Will THis Work For Me?

It’s always good to be check out services and those that deliver them!

So up front… You can check out some testimonials here and read a bit more about me. 

Social media advertising is here to stay and I’m learning to navigate this world. The ups and the downs.

The ups – I reach so many people who take the plunge and jump on board their movement journey with me…

Like TW:

"I’ve gone from my daily pain level being an 8 out of 10, to forgetting I ever had a back problem”.

The downs – it can be daunting navigating this rapidly changing world and batting away the keyboard warriors!

But it’s worth it because I have so much to share with my clients.

I have a unique way of working – bringing together the medical, scientific side of physio and how our body works, and the intuitive, holistic side of wellness, and how our mind works, together in this way.

My clients  sometimes have doubts… ‘will this work for me’. And no surprises there seeing they have been searching for a solution for some time.

When we start a conversation they usually tell me 2 things:

  1. They have ‘tried all sorts’ to find relief for their ongoing pain – often things help for a time but it sneaks back
  2. They know it worth continuing their search for a solution especially if they have glimmers of pain free moments – those moments when it feels too good to be true. Even if it's a micro-moment it's a glimmer.

If you have glimmers of pain-free moments this is worth exploring. We build on that building a robust movement and mind-body connection. And the chances are you won’t have done the work we’ll do together.

The OPTIONS to explore your glimmers:

  • Watch my mini-masterclass here and if this resonates I invite you to book a call
  • Explore how you move, process pain and the connection between your mind and body with 2:1  Healthy Movement Consultations with me here 
  • Contact me and let’s start a conversation

To your healthy moves...
