One Size Does Not Fit All
This week I am delivering a lecture at an international physiotherapy conference. I have enjoyed putting the 45-minute piece together. As always, I learn so much as I think about the messages.

My summary slide rounded up the lecture by sharing my belief that these are changing times for professionals who work with people with musculoskeletal pain. In my lecture I considered shoulder pain and hip pain but the principles apply to any MSK including back and neck.
There certainly is some evidence to support exercise in the management of these presentations. However, we are still a long way off finding the ‘magic’ exercise(s).
Personally, I think it is unrealistic to think we can have a one or a number of ‘exercises’ are going to solve disorders related to hip and shoulder pain.
Exercise does help but the effects are not good enough across the board – helps some and not other.
So, the question is… is there work to be done to provide high quality exercise therapy programmes which deliver results?
And I think absolutely YES.
Most exercise programmes, detailed in research for hip and shoulder problems, are put together with a one size fits all approach. A consensus is reached as to what might suit the condition. And the exercise ‘prescription’ is not driven by an individual assessment.
Healthy Movement Insight
Assessment informs individualised movement retraining programmes.
I passionately believe the answer is on changing how people move not just prescribing exercise. Research is showing good results for this – to date I have contributed over 30 peer-reviewed papers on this subject to add to the growing body of evidence. I am sharing some key points this at the conference.
Because so many factors influence how we move, pain, our history, lifestyles, emotions, joint and muscles restrictions and so much more. We can influence so many of these factors with patient centred care.
Moving away from pain not just exercising away from pain.
It’s all based on the individual narrative. Person-centred. Not medicalised. Not one size fits all.
This approach is centred on exploring the persons presentation and narrative and using this to inform individualised care.
Knowledge through education to empower patients to change movements through all elements the person and their presentation.
Not dealing with the part or generalised label.
I champion this change.
And I am excited to share on the conference podium this week.
If you’d like to ‘move’ away from pain and have found exercise hasn't done the trick – let me know and we can see how I can help you.
Knowledge through education to empower patients to change movements through all elements of the person and their presentation.