Healthy Movement
What do we mean by the term healthy movement?

The Movement Works is all about improving healthy movement in people who are:
Suffering from pain and recurrent pain and looking for a solution
Are struggling doing the activities they love
Are looking to enhance their sporting performance now and in the long term
Or are looking for a movement assessment to mitigate the risk injury.
We know that pain/injury, history of pain injury , emotions, stiffness and so much more can change our movement patterns.
These can 'scramble' messages in our brains and this can alter the neural pathways to our muscles and they may no longer able to work in an efficient way - It’s like having a virus on a computer … the computer it doesn't operate the way it is should.
Altered neural pathways mean we move with different patterns and in a limited ways. This can cause ongoing pain, recurrence of pain, limit us moving with ease and putting us at risk of injury.
Sarah is passionate about helping people improve and maintain the health of their movement so they can get on and do what they love.
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